Hi! Everybody, how have you been? I have enjoyed this days having good time with my family. I have rested a lot. I think I’m ready for the school … well let me tell you some things I did last days…

I visited a beautiful place called El Naranjo, is located 45 minutes near Ciudad Ocampo Tamaulipas, you can enjoy a beautiful view, there are some waterfalls and you can swim in the river. I was there camping for two days, was great! well a little cold but very relaxed. We were swimming and eating a lot of delicious snaks.
Somethig interesting about El Naranjo is That is a
place were sugar cane is cut it and transformed in sugar, it´s very interesting, you can see many

lorries with tons of sugar cane on the road,
and some others waiting to unload cane in the
sugar refinery. People who live there have a
very different lifestyle than ours.
Well, I want to see you again but I don’t want to be stressed about school and work, Well I think we can’t have everything in live… See you soon.